Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 3, 2009 Council Meeting

The last meeting took about 20 min, without any real hard issues. I quickly followed that up with the meat raffle at Billy's. Here goes.

The Buhl Fire Chief (Mike L) told us about a possible grant from the MN Board of Fire Fighters to help supplement the training of our fire fighters. He will let us know if we get any money from that grant.

The Sheriff report included praise for Buhl's Deputy Brock K. for his time spent at the Buhl skating rink during the recent winter fling. There was also a report on the Buhl squad car, and that it had to be repaired twice last month. Both times were electrical problems.

The first agenda issue as a handout that shows the cuts for LGA that Buhl will be facing in 2009 and 2010. For 2009 the cut will be @$40,000. In 2010 we expect a $90,000 cut. We will have to make some changes to the budget due to those cuts. The handout was for the council to look over and form some ideas.

Next we talked about changing the council meetings to just one day a month for June, July and August. We decided that we will do that if we can, and we will wait until May or so to make that decision.

We approved the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting for May 5, 2009 at City Hall from 10-11 am.

We tabled an invoice from RLK for the Frantz Street improvement project. There was not enough information to determine what the invoice included.

That was it. Let me know what you think.